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Dr Llorente is not only caring, she is smart, she is experienced, she is a thinker, she is a researcher, she is the kind of doctor who looks at every detail and the whole person.  She helped my mom beat cancer and she helped my dad who was sent home to die and refused further help due to his "age" and "fragility"

Dr Llorente is like a detective.  She was the one who found my low grade Hashimoto's thyroiditis after other doctors told me I was fine.  I had low energy for decades and now with her help, I am doing great taking a porcine thyroid medicine, making changes to my diet and taking supplements.  Dr Llorente utilizes every resource she has to heal and to optimize health.  Most doctors look at lab results and say you're fine even if the result is in the lower end of normal.  Not Dr Llorente. She optimizes your health and is gentle, patient and compassionate as well!

I took both of my elderly parents from Fresno to see Dr Llorente when my (then) 83 year old mom was diagnosed with early breast cancer.  There were two kinds of cancer in opposite quadrants of her left breast.  The cancer team in Fresno recommenced immediate full mastectomy.  I told my mom that since the cancer was graded stage 1 and stage 0, she had time to get another opinion.  We were so grateful that Dr Llorente found the high mercury levels in both mom and dad.  She also diagnosed the extremely low vit D3 levels in both my parents.  Healthy levels of D3 protect against cancer.  Mercury is one of the most toxic substances on earth and can cause cancer.  Well , the first week my mom stopped eating carbs to starve the cancer cells which helped my sweet overweight mom to lose 15 pounds and feel great.  Mom listened to Dr Llorente's recommendations and started taking the recommended supplements to help optimize her health including a chelation agent at night for heavy metal removal. Every 3 months mom saw Dr Llorente for bloodwork.  My mom's health and bloodwork showed steady improvement.  And everyone at my mom's church commented on how great my mom looked! Everyone encouraged her and prayed for her.

The biggest surprise was at the first 3 month mammogram follow-up in Fresno.  She did the mammogram and before she left, the radiologist screened it and told the technician that it was clear with nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary.

They even gave her a paper that said she is fine and doesn't need to come back for a year.  My mom still called the next day asking to speak directly with the radiologist.  She was confused and thought they made a mistake.  She told him she was already diagnosed with cancer and he said well then you must have cancer but it isn't on mammogram.  Long story short, for two years every 3-6 months mom was checked. Every test showed no cancer yet the original surgeon on the Fresno cancer team continued to recommend complete mastectomy. My mom stopped going to see the cancer team in Fresno.  Since then she has been continuing her care with Dr Llorente.  My mom is now 87 and is active and healthy and happy.  She even had knee replacement surgery last year.  My mom shocked the head doctor at Physical Therapy who said mom recovered in record time.  They didn't understand why she didn't have much pain.  Mom told them she uses the Bemer which Dr Llorente recommended.  My mom and dad and I absolutely love Dr Llorente and we thank her for saving my mom's life!

Now I get to explain what happened with my dad . My dad is 3 years older than my mom.  He is a diabetic with a resistant form of type II diabetes.  He had a triple bypass in 2001 and he qualified for an insulin pump in 2010.  Sadly he was slowly declining in health.  He was also seeing Dr Llorente but he was not compliant with taking his supplements, nor with Uyesaka using his Bemer.  Last year he turned 89 (summer of 2019) and started dialysis.  He initially seemed to improve but then took a turn for the worst. He had serious health problems and 3 hospitalizations early this year 2020 and got extremely weak.  His main issues were:

- heavy calcified arterial blockage in all three arteries to his right foot with extremely painful non-healing ulcers and infection with no vascular bypass allowed due to his GI bleeding with plavix and aspirin
- partial blockage in the circumflex artery to heart - he needs two stents but the issue with GI bleeding with Plavix and aspirin contraindicates surgery
- moderate to severe aortic valve dysfunction due to heavy calcified deposits . He needs a valve replacement yet cannot get surgery
- ongoing problems with chronic kidney disease and associated anemia and muscle wasting
-massive diverticulosis and some hemorrhoids . GI bleeding when taking am and pm plavix 75 mg and baby aspirin. His hemoglobin dropped to 5.7
-poor appetite and constipation , pain and lethargy

Dad was sent home to die in Fresno due to his age and multiple co-morbidities.  Every door closed when I asked for help.  No doctor in Fresno said they could recommend anything or do anything to help him. They said he was not a candidate for hyperbaric oxygen when I asked.

Our family believes in God and we believe in miracles.  The day after dad was sent home to die was a Saturday. I was exhausted, emotional and searching for God’s guidance.  My mom and dad we’re preparing for his death.  I left a message on Dr LLorente’s machine and she called me back— on Saturday!  She is an angel and offered to help. Plans were made and two days later I brought my dad to see Dr Llorente. She and her staff were waiting for us. My dad went into the hyperbaric oxygen chamber while I consulted with her. That day Dr Llorente gave my dad and me the most powerful medicine in the universe— she gave us Hope ! I thank God for her and for Wayne and Ron and Doug and Ann and Kristi.
There were never any promises for a cure but real intensive treatments done daily . Norco-Tylenol 5-325 was Rx’d which helped my dad hang in there as he suffered the pain of ischemia in his foot.  Dr Llorente and staff gave my dad and me compassion, encouragement and time.  They analyzed how my dad responded to the HB02 and made adjustments, they gave Bemer treatments and made accommodations for his dialysis schedule and fatigue.

Today is 56 days from that day . Dad turned 90 last Wednesday and is doing great!
-He has mild pain
-He has regular bowel movements and makes urine
-He has not missed a single dialysis treatment
- He still has the heart and vascular issues but is stable
- He has zero to minimal swelling in his foot and no infection and increased blood supply to his foot. The toes and foot are pink and when the flesh is pressed the color doesn’t turn whitish and stay whitish . Instead the color instantly turns pink! The gangrene in the toes is limited to the tips and the the body has isolated the tips from the healthy part of the foot as evidenced by demarcation
- He has hope and knows he is getting better.

We thank God for answering our prayers and providing us with an amazing doctor like Dr Llorente and her team. Words cannot cannot convey the magnitude of love and appreciation we have for them !
This story is proof that miracles happen.

M.M., Costa Mesa, California

"My twelve-year-old son developed severe tics four years ago. His pediatric neurologist called it, "Tourette Syndrome": he would grunt, have involuntary neck movements, facial tics (incessant winking, blinking), forceful sniffling/exhaling through his nose. He would repeat certain words and sentences. Sometimes, he would have them as many as 23 times per minute. School kids began to call him names, “retard”, “idiot”, “stupid”, “weird”. My husband and I pleaded with him to stop and we even tried bribing him—all to no avail. We just did not know. We did not understand. My husband lost his temper at him at yelled at him out of frustration. We were devastated. We felt completely lost and helpless. Our son had been a fairly normal little boy. He played little league soccer and baseball. He did okay in school. He was well-liked by his friends and teachers. How could this happen to him? Why? Perhaps our pediatrician was wrong. So we took him to his pediatrician who thought that he might have Tourette Syndrome---a devastating diagnosis to a parent because there is so much stigma attached to this medical label. Also, Tourette is often associated with other problems like attention deficit disorder, obsessive -compulsive disorder. There also did not seem to be many successful treatment options either. Our hearts were heavy and our hopes small. We took him to a reputable pediatric neurologist who regrettably confirmed the diagnosis. He offered to prescribe some medications---none of them all that effective, and most had pretty unpleasant side effects. We chose to decline his suggestions. A friend told us about Dr. Llorente, a doctor in Orange County. He said that she is “different” in her approach to people---rather than looking at them as “patients” and “diseases”, she sees and honors people as individuals and she thinks outside the box. We were at our wits end. So as perplexed as we were, we set up an appointment. After examining our son, she waved her hands around his head, parts of his body for perhaps fifteen minutes. To our great surprise, his symptoms immediately slowed down. We took him back for four more sessions. That was three years ago. And to this day, our son hardly has any tics. Thank you, Dr. L. for touching our lives."---NH, Orange County, California

"I am 57 years old. I have had severe low back pain for several years, especially when I am under a lot of stress. I own four furniture stores in southern California. I came in one day to see Dr. Llorente for a bad cough. Dr. Llorente noticed my limp and my hunched posture when I walked down the hall. She told me that she understood I came in for my cough and asked me about my back. I told her my story of how I had done physical therapy, received numerous chiropractic adjustments without much relief. That three different orthopedic surgeons had recommended surgery and how vicodin and muscle relaxants worked partially but I did not like to take them because I could not function or even think clearly. Dr. Llorente nodded and asked me if I wanted to say a silent prayer with her. I was frankly surprised to hear this question coming from a doctor, but my back hurt so much that day that I went along with it. She quietly placed her hands on my back, my chest; waved them in silence in a swirling motion around where it hurt. The whole thing could not have taken more than a few minutes. I suddenly felt my body float and relax. I felt kindness radiating from her. Warmth and a feeling of comfort flooded my heart. I felt tingling up and down my back. I felt safe and supported. I saw in my mind’s eye the Sacred Statue of Jesus. I felt more peace than I had for a very long time. I got lightheaded, sat down for a few minutes. When I got up, my back pain was gone. I walked out of her office with my back straight, laughter in my heart and a feeling of peace and love for everyone. To this day, I do not entirely understand what happened. I am just grateful that there are people and doctors like her in my world. Thank you."---VE, CA

"I am sixty eight years old. I ran a big corporation. Was under enormous stress which led to a heart bypass in my mid forties. Developed diabetes, atrial fibrillation as well. Anyway, in February 2008, I developed constipation ( I had always been as regular as the seven o’clock train), severe right lower abdominal abdominal pain, fevers. My GI doctor put me on some strong antibiotics for nearly a week. I kept getting worse. More fevers, nausea. No appetite. My stomach was distended, stretched. No bowel movements in almost ten days. I got an abdominal CAT scan that showed an abscess in my colon. My surgeon recommended surgery, which I did not want. So I went to Dr. Llorente, my family doctor. She reviewed my case, lab tests, CAT scan. She looked up at me and told me I really should go ahead with surgery. I asked her, “Isn’t there anything more you can do? Another antibiotic? I don’t want surgery.” She asked me if I was willing to try something else. I said, “I try anything”. DR. Llorente then asked me to breathe deeply while she placed her hands lightly on my stomach and then gently touched my head; quietly waved her hands around my body here and there. Ten minutes later, my pain level was 80% less! She told me to go home and not think about my condition, my CAT scan. I went home not knowing what to think. I am an engineer. I was also an accountant. None of this computed. Yet two hours later, I had a painless, formed bowel movement. I continued to get better day by day, faster and faster. I never went into the hospital. Dr. Llorente ordered another CT scan two or three weeks later. There was only a little bit of inflammation left in my bowel. This all happened in February. We are now almost in September, 2008. I feel fine. I play tennis. I eat whatever I want (well I do watch my sugars). I have my glass of wine with dinner. My GI specialist and my surgeon don’t know what to make of my sudden improvement either. So I am in good company and am grateful to have Dr. Llorente’s number in my address book!"---RJ, Costa Mesa, CA

"My husband passed away of a massive heart attack eighteen months ago. He was only fifty-eight. At the peak of his life. A successful physicist and shrewd businessman. I have been devastated, unable to move on with my life. I lost the best part of me. I was sad most of the time. There was no joyfulness, no light or laughter in my heart. Every day merged right into the next without mirth or excitement. I got up, showered, put on my clothes, ate, went through the necessary paperwork to run my husband’s financial business. I am an energy healer, but could not help myself. Nor could my circle of friends who are also energy healers. Through a series of “coincidences” in early 2007, I met Dr. Llorente at an energy seminar in Los Angeles. We became friends. Her kind heartedness, her unusual skills made a difference. I began to feel the joy of life again. Like a wilted plant after a good rain, I began to glow. I laughed and really enjoyed my grandchildren once more. I even noticed sunsets and the trees in the front of my house. Heard the crickets in my backyard. Enjoyed walking together at the park by the Back Bay and Starbucks Chai Latte. And when friends began to notice the (physical and emotional) change in me and asked, “Well, what happened to you?”. I simply said, “Dr. Llorente happened.”---SCV, California

"Hi, we adopted our little boy when he was nearly six years old. He is now eleven. He had spent the first few years of his life from one foster home to another. He had been sexually abused by older boys. My son is a very smart and sweet boy, though shy and reserved. He kept to himself a lot. He had some trouble in school with other boys who picked on him. Our son grew hostile toward them. We took him to psychologists, to school counselors. The school was just not equipped to deal with him. A psychiatrist medicated him with several drugs to keep him calm. I was heartbroken. I love my son. I volunteered to work in the classroom, in the school cafeteria just to be on campus and near him. One day before Christmas break 2007 while I was in Dr. Llorente’s office for my own health issues, I shared what was happening with my son. She offered to see him for free though she said that she could not promise that she could “cure” him. At that point, I was desperate. There did not seem to be anything to lose even though Dr. Llorente is not a pediatrician. So I brought my son in. She talked to him and asked him if it would be all right for her to put her hands on his body. He said yes. She proceeded to touch his heart, his stomach, waved them around his body. He grew calm. A look of peace, a smile on his lips. My heart beamed. There was newfound hope. He later told me that during Dr. Llorente’s session, he saw me hold him in my arms when he was just born and I heard his first cries (like I was his real mother). I took my son back to Dr. Llorente one more time before school resumed in January 2008. He has changed so much. He smiles more frequently. He is more at ease in his own skin. He has grown taller. He plays better with other children. His school performance improved a lot. He is so much calmer. His medications have been reduced way down. School is about to start again next week (September 2008). Thank you, Dr. Llorente."---JSB, Huntington Beach, CA

"Dr. Llorente has been my doctor for about fourteen years. I am in my seventies. One morning this spring I came in with a severe asthma attack. My kids wanted me to go to the ER. I didn’t. Though I only live a few minutes away, I could hardly drive to my doctor’s office. I was panting, breathless. I could see her look of concern and even alarm when I walked in. I asked her to help me. She told me that she respected my decision even though she did not quite agree with it. She sat me down and asked me to say a silent prayer with her. As I did so, she began to silently waved her hands around my chest, my back. Back and forth for a few minutes. Then we hugged each other tightly as I began to feel my breath come in a bit more easily. I thought it was my imagination. She gave me some tablets to take and sent me home with the promise to go to the emergency room if I should take a turn for the worse. That afternoon, I began to feel stronger. Over the next few days, I improved more and more every day. Everything worked out fine. I never did go to the ER or even to the asthma specialist. This happened more than six months ago. Haven’t had another asthma attack. I keep Dr. Llorente and her family in my prayers and I thank the Lord that there are people like her in this world."---RB, Huntington Beach, CA

"I am forty eight years old. My gynecologist did not know what to do or think because she initially thought I might have ovarian cancer. I first went to Dr. Llorente because my legs and feet were extremely swollen and I had large and deep skin ulcers on the top of my feet that would not heal in the past five months despite seeing my family doctor and wound doctors regularly. Even the skin of my belly was very swollen with fluid. She gave me water pills and I lost 40 lbs in two and a half weeks. She also prayed silently with me. My chronic foot ulcers healed. I could see my ankles again. My ovarian cancer blood test which was 122 (normal is below 35) dropped down to sixty. My pelvic ultrasound was fine. So my gynecologist sent me to the special oncologist for gynecology problems who ordered an MRI---again fine. He said that he did not have an explanation for this and told me to thank my guardian angels. I am a fervent catholic and do not understand what happened. I am grateful to Dr. Llorente for the care and kindness she has given me. Sometimes God guides people to come into our lives and He works through them."---CR, Garden Grove, CA

"My husband, Al, who is only fifty three had bypass surgery two years ago that was followed by several serious complications. He survived the complications though his previously vigorous lifestyle (surfer and anything-goes-in sports) have been significantly limited. He gets angina. Al also had two back surgeries which left him two inches shorter and unable to do a lot of things because of ongoing daily back pain. I took him to Dr. Llorente and Cindy Tomlinson, both energy healers in Orange County. I was fascinated to watch them “work” on my husband. They waved their hands around his body, touched his chest and abdomen, his head. Their hand movements were like a dance almost. My husband sat there quietly. He does not believe in “these” sorts of things. He did not say anything during or right after their session. My heart sank because it was hard to gauge whether anything positive happened. We then went to dinner and a movie. Afterwards, on the way home, he turned to me and said nonchalantly, “You know, my back doesn’t hurt so much any more. And I am breathing easily. My chest does not feel heavy.” MEN !!!! Men and their economy of words. I was giddy. And thankful to these two women who seem so at ease with each other and the healing they do."---CET, Surfside, CA

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